DieMount GmbH
Am Neuenhof 23
52074 Aachen
Tel.: +49 (0) 241 4000 3942
E-mail: info@diemount.com
Responsibility for the content:
DieMount GmbH
Managing Director: Dr.-Ing. Hans Kragl
Register Court: AG Aachen HR B 27070
VAT-ID.-No.: DE 223 114 968
We are not responsible for the contents of external links in spite of our efforts to carefully check contents. Sole responsibility for the contents of linked pages is with their providers. DieMount GmbH assumes no liability for any contents of third-party Web pages linked or referred to from its Web site. Therefore, DieMount GmbH refuses to accept any liability for any material or immaterial damages, including indirect damages, which are caused by negligence and/or usage of linked information.